Winter Creek Farm is a small farm in Northwest Wisconsin specializing in natural body products, artisan apparel, homegrown produce and all other products inspired from the very land and space the farm sits on. All products are made/grown with the highest quality ingredients, material and environment in hopes to share products that will contribute to a happier and healthier you. My parents had the vision and dream for Winter Creek farm long before I was even a twinkle in the eye.

They loved doing anything that gave them a reason to dig in the dirt and immerse themselves in all the blessings Mother Nature had to offer. For many years they have invested in the beautiful land they call home and built a great foundation for Winter Creek Farm. I am simply the Farmer's Daughter and doing what I can to share the strong values that they have shared with me. The respect, knowledge, spiritual values and love for nature that was taught to me are the very building blocks that create the foundation for our business.